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IntroductionGetting startedPart 1: Install the CLI toolPart 2: Install language-specific libraries

Getting started

Part 1: Install the CLI tool

Getting started with VZ-Logger is super easy. Install the CLI tool globally through npm:

npm install -g @vizstack/vz-logger

Once installed, start a server by running:

username:path/to/current/directory$ vz-logger

You can view incoming logs at localhost:4000 (by default).

Part 2: Install language-specific libraries

Install any of the language-specific libraries to use in programs you want to log from:


Install the library through npm into your Javascript/Typescript project:

npm install --save @vizstack/vz-logger-client

Once installed, you can start logging messages:

// connect(host?): establishes connection to central logging server
// getLogger(name): retrieves handle to logger with the given name
import { connect, getLogger } from '@vizstack/vz-logger-client';
const logger = getLogger('main');
// ... YOUR CODE HERE ...
logger.debug("Detailed debugging message, for verbose mode");
logger.info("Informational message, just fyi");
logger.warn("Warning message, should probably fix this");
logger.error("Error message, critical problem");
// ... YOUR CODE HERE ...


Install the library through pip into your Python project:

pip install vz-logger

Once installed, you can start logging messages:

# connect(host?): establishes connection to central logging server
# get_logger(name): retrieves handle to logger with the given name
from vzlogger import connect, get_logger
logger = get_logger('main')
if __name__ == '__main__':
with connect("http://localhost:4000"):
# ... YOUR CODE HERE ...
logger.debug("Detailed debugging message, for verbose mode")
logger.info("Informational message, just fyi")
logger.warn("Warning message, should probably fix this")
logger.error("Error message, critical problem")
# ... YOUR CODE HERE ...